
-Horace Mann
Prostrage: Involuntary emptying of bowel after anal sex or insertions of large objects into the anal passage.
-The Urban Dictionary
So this is it for the Tea Party, it is a spent force and will soon (although not soon enough) pass into our national history. It will go kicking and screaming epithets as yet another of those horrific, herpetic blights that always seem to plague many of those who should know better and the rest of the perpetually angry, broke-dick, knuckle-dragging fuckups who quite simply don’t give a rat’s ass. I predict that within the next year it will no longer exist, not because the passage of the tepid jar of vomit health 'reform' bill that was Christmas Day for the insurance parasites that shook the fascist Republicans to their roots and according to none other than Mr. Axis of Evil himself, David Frum was the party's Waterloo. The career lickspittle Frum's denunciation of the embarassment brought upon the Republican house of shame from throwing in with the likes of the Beckers, Dittoheads and Palinazis earned him scorn and the loss of his nice gig over at that roiling spring of neocon fascist filth The American Enterprise Institute.
The abomination of the health care 'reform' bill is just another serving of more woe for the rest of us peasants in being a bailout for an industry that should be dismantled and outlawed but when history is written it will also be seen as the grand rallying cause to return the criminal GOP to power. The thug caste, the lumpen Republicans and the Jesus juiced racist freaks that comprise much of the tea party movement were mustered using the help of corporate Astroturf public relations fronts like Freedomworks (another of those brilliant Orwellian monikers that these ratholes annoit themselves with) and despite organized semi-pogroms designed to bully and intimidate still lost out. Despite being as advertised in a corrupt media as legitimate resistance to a government run amok and hellbent on implementing full blown Communism right here in Der Heimat it doesn't take a social scientist to look at the overall demographics and their signs and standards and conclude that much of the rabble couldn't give a tinker's damn about government health care at all but the head nigga in charge residing in the White House. Despite the failure of the anti-health care reform jihadists and the idea that they actually were representative in raising hell to bring about the desperately needed national enema that our smoking crater of a political system requires they will soon splinter like so many cancer cells. The new Frank Luntz contrived "repeal and replace" rallying cry is just not going to do it as the Republicans search for a new holy grail, a Roe v. Wade 2.0 that they can exploit the schmucks for on multi-generational levels.
As for the teapartiers, the large percentage who have been sucked in absent any sort of protest movement on the pathetic left but who haven’t undergone electronic lobotomies courtesy of Glenn Beck will simply drop out, slink away and get on with their lives. The serious dead enders however will be increasingly juiced up by the coming RepubliKKKan defense of the ramparts of the Alamo, at least that is what it will be painted as by the FOXed up media and the Dick Armey of Darkness when round two comes and the opponents aren’t the socialist Democrats and the Weasel Queen Pelosi but the damned dirty Meskins, La Raza and the brown menace invading American from the south. Tom Tancredo is probably already masturbating his palms raw over the very though of scrambling his misfit army of Beckers, Birthers, Palinazis and assorted other vermin for an all out war for the god-kissed and traded on Wall Street American way of life. With the Republicans now in balls out survival mode there is nothing to lose in continuing to exploit racism and jack up the rhetoric until some freak blows up a federal building with a nursery full of kids in it. After today's news about the Christian freak militia plotting to blow up a bunch of cops it could be coming much sooner than one could imagine.
So much of the Republican scheme to return to power laid in duping the teabaggers into actually believeing that THEY would be better custodians of the national interest instead of the greed crazed, pathologically perverted, drunk on power and ready to wage global thermonuclear war as if they were playing Avalon Hill board games or Risk. There has of course been the racist undercurrent, it has worked ever since Nixon's infamous southern strategy and the hallowed Gipper's sneering at Cadillac driving welfare queens and having a bunch of pissed off southern fried motherfuckers with a lot of time on their hands and ready to rumble it was a stroke of genius to turn them into a Dick Armey of Darkness to wage their war against America's first black president. It was the utmost of cynical tricks (as well as a dead giveaway) to bring in their token black man to lead the attack against Obama.
Michael Steele has very obviously made it his personal mission in life to redefine the old term “house nigger”, hell, Steele has taken it to the next level. His shameful yearlong fornication with the scumbaggers hit a new low with his defense of John Boehner’s cynical jerking off of the Raptureheads in calling the new health care bill an “apocalypse” and then defended the virulent racism of the co-opted army of white supremacist GOP shock troops on display outside the Capitol on Sunday. Now I use the term “hitting a new low” very scrupulously because after all, we are talking about the head of the RNC.Whit the way that the anti-Obama tries to be so hip would it really be a surprise were Steele to break out in a rap version of the Horst Wessel song at some point in the near future? And this was largely written before the revelations that Steele or his minions were blowing RNC money on lesbian bondage shows...the values people, or so we are told. So the anti-Obama attack will continue, and the violence and threats against elected officials will continue, the broken windows will lead to beatings and even worse as the hate junkies get their fixes. The already sanctioned vandalism and goon tactics will soon escalate, kind of like jerking off over porn, at first it's just the ordinary stuff that makes the nut but then it takes kinkier and raunchier stuff to get off and before you know it there is full blown sexual deviation. This is a fitting analogy for the right-wingers (other than a large amount of the angry white Dittoheads and Beckers who ARE compulsive masturbators) because their mentality is that of a pathology, like pederasts, they just can't help themselves.
So naturally there are going to be elements of the teabaggers who will soon cease to want to be affiliated with the S.A. types. Hey, I know some of these folks, they really aren't bad people but they are frustrated and easily led astray by a highly sophisticated, very expensive and long running psyops campaign to create an American version of Operation Gladio. They like the same things as most people do only their priorities are skewed, their information streams poisoned by Fox propagandists and their justifiable anger at being fucked over by a system gone to seed has no legitimate outlet on the left so they turn to Beck, Bachmann and Palin as though their words are treating lepers at Lourdes, giving them scapegoats....especially BLACK scapegoats like Mr. Obama and ACORN. Sure they are hypocrites, some of the ones that I know rail against the demon socialism but have government jobs or on social security and the women have had the abortions that their movement seeks to deny other women the rights to but they are not the fascist, racist red state droogs that the GOP relies on for shocktroops. The idiots are being played, culled and will soon be on the same pickup lists that others are…the now marginalized dummies are going to be culled, the most vicious will end up on the FBI and NSA watchlists and the FOX addicted morons will not even recognize the switch out when they are assimilated into the GOP Borg.
So in recognizing that not ALL teabaggers want to continue to be used as human penis extensions for Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey I would like to implore the saner elements to defect and let the berserkers go on without them towards their inevitable moment of glory when the full fury of the state will be used against them.

He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously
-Bob Dylan
Going forward: An appeal to the sane tea partiers (not an oxymoron) - I will be posting this at many places where such folks hang out so the responses could be interesting.
1: DO NOT LISTEN TO GLENN BECK: Despite his appeal that is more a result of sly mass-marketing by wealthy interests and his Fox News soapbox (be aware that Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch has no qualms about dealing with the Communist Chinese and is only interested in the accrual of money and power) Beck is a Judas goat. Follow him and you are going to be led to the slaughter. Joining a cult of personality is not the answer, follow nobody and be your own leader. There are principled conservatives who believe in limited government and base their values on an actual belief system rather than bizarre rants like the dry drunk Beck whose ravings are more akin to those of a batshit crazy speed freak. I would recommend H.L. Mencken, Murray Rothbard, Justin Raimondo, Paul Craig Roberts or even old Pat Buchanan who despite having overdosed at the Republican Kool-Aid vat actually is a learned man who respects our nations institutions. You should also consider that Glenn Beck is a multi-millionaire who will be insulated in his gated mansion if and when all hell breaks loose, your purchasing of his books and merchandise fuel his opulent lifestyle while you are losing day by day as the system itself collapses. Think about it.
2: DO NOT USE VIOLENCE: It doesn’t work, is self-defeating and will be crushed by the state once it gets out of hand. Also it will give the government justification to use their police state powers to crack down on dissent – ALL dissent. Once violence is used you lose, have no illusions that you have a chance against the state no matter how many guns that you may have because their guns are bigger, their forces more trained and they have tanks, helicopters and bombs in addition to sophisticated crowd control devices such as LRAD. To any of your militia types who actually believe that an armed insurrection against the sitting government is possible just keep it in the back of your mind that a platoon of heavily armed marines would very quickly turn hundreds of you into something resembling low-grade hamburger meat. The state has already had dry runs at implementing martial law in cities, note the G20 meetings in Pittsburgh last year where the entire city was in lockdown. A much more effective method to fight tyranny is civil disobedience, just imagine what millions of you could do if instead of protesting you just stayed home one day on a weekday, it would bring the system to a halt. An additional word of advice is to not mimic the rabble who showed up in Washington for the GOP pogrom against Congress on the day the health care bill passed – threatening (including menacing and harassing) elected officials is a federal crime for which you are at risk of being arrested and prosecuted for. I realize that Herr Beck is calling out the shocktroops to raise Cain for repeal and the pigs like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich are egging it on but consider very seriously if you want to be around if something ugly goes down.
3: REALIZE THAT OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST: that is Obama is not a socialist in the true sense of the word in that the people are getting anything but the shaft. The only socialism in this rotting country is socialism for the rich (mammoth, deficit killing tax cuts), for bankers whose illicit gambling schemes have destroyed the economy and then received a taxpayer bailout from their cronies in both the Bush and Obama administrations and for catastrophic business failures, for example General Motors. The game is rigged folks and until you are able to break free of the phony left vs. right paradigm it will stay rigged. As robber baron industrialist Jay Gould once famously remarked "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half"- he was absolutely correct, just look at yourselves. The health care ‘reform’ bill is about the farthest thing from socialized medicine possible as it forces already busted out citizens to purchase protection from the insurance racketeers, if you want to see socialized medicine that actually works look at the Veteran’s Administration. If anything Obama is a fascist simply because he is the chief executive of a fascist country, labeling him as a socialist is absurd but not surprising considering the perversion of language in the U.S.A.
4: REALIZE THAT YOU ARE BEING USED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: so that they can return to power. It is of the utmost importance that you recognize that the Republicans and the Democrats are both criminal organizations and do not care about you. Sarah Palin urges you to join the Republican party, Dick Armey of Freedom Works is a longtime Washington insider who is exploiting you and your movement, originally a more libertarian one along the lines of Ron Paul’s policy views has been hijacked by cynical big government Republican neocons. You turn to ‘saviors’ like Florida’s Marco Rubio but fail to realize that he is an opportunist and Jeb Bush’s protégé. You need to reject outright the Republican party – a legitimate independent movement is the ONLY hope for change. The neocon influence on the tea partiers is very great and rather than get into the nuances of how toppling or discrediting Obama serves their foreign policy goals just realize that the leading thinkers of these fifth columnists is rooted in their adulation of Communist Leon Trotsky. As for big government be mindful that George W. Bush presided over the biggest increase in the federal government since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society programs only that Bush’s expansionism was in implementing a massive police state infrastructure that could be used against you at any minute…that is if it isn’t being used against you already. The Republicans are not the answer despite what the celebrity Palin says when urging you to support that criminal organization, they are every bit as vile as the DemocRATs. To quote a man named Professor Carroll Quigley who some of you are probably familiar with:
“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”
5: OBAMA IS NOT THE PROBLEM- THE SYSTEM ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM: Shift your focus and energies from a monstrously bad health care ‘reform’ bill because it is a done deal no matter how the Republican operatives running the tea party try to spin it. This bill was the product of a corporate system that is rotten to the core. The enemy is the system itself no matter how Glenn Beck and other shills for the oligarchy try to spin it and pin the blame on Obama. It is the system that evolved over years under BOTH Republican and Democrat administrations and Congresses that has been responsible for shipping well paying American jobs out of America, building a police state and waging expensive wars that are destroying the future of America by burying in debt to China and allowing the Federal Reserve and the corrupt gangsters on Wall Street to print money non-stop and use it to engage in reckless gambling that creates nothing but debt. The current system must be replaced entirely, simply returning Republicans to power is not the answer.
6: UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE BEING MARGINALIZED: Like the antiwar hippie left you are slowly being turned into cartoons. The corporate media will always find the most extreme and embarrassing element in your crowd to feature in news stories. Despite the wide resistance to the Vietnam war that included mainstream Americans it was always some peace sign festooned, acid-juiced hippie freak that would be singled out by the media. The same thing is happening now with every racist freak and mentally unbalanced dead ender who runs amok in an isolated incident being used to produce a guilt by association effect. Also, elitist pig columnist David Brooks over at the damned librul [sic] New York Times has already snarkily pegged you as Wal-Mart Hippies. Look to become a mockery just like the peaceniks and dopehead Che Guevera and Chariman Mao worshipping types who were burning their draftcards way back in the day…it’s already happening and only you are to blame for it though you tolerance for white supremacist crazies and religious zealots.
7: CRYING BLOODY MURDER ABOUT DEFICTS IS HYPOCRISY: Other than the Ron Paul folks I didn’t see anyone out at tea parties until CNBC’s Wall Street pimp Rick Santelli’s little snit that activated sleeper cells. First and foremost where was your revolt when Bush and the Republicans were maxing out the national credit cards? Also, what is missing from any outrage over the massive Chinese financed debt is that there is ZERO acknowledgement that U.S. military spending is by far the biggest, most wasteful and most expensive contributor to the impoverishment of future generations. There is zero credibility in denouncing jobs programs, extensions of unemployment benefits and any program that actually gives something to the peasants when totally ignoring the effects of the Military Industrial Complex. I would stongly recommend all to view Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings of the ruinous effects of massive military spending. The phony war on terror is now being used as justification for this unsustainable abomination but something had to replace the Soviet Union as the evil enemy. I would also suggest that you start to protest the billions of dollars in both military and foreign aid that is sent outside out borders rather than used to shore up our crumbling infrastructure, to promote re-industrialization that would put Americans back to work and pay down the deficit. You will never hear this taboo truth from Glenn Beck, Barack Obama, the DemocRATs or the Republicans but it is the chief reason that we are slouching towards bankruptcy as a nation, both financially and morally.
8: REACH OUT TO OTHERS: Realize that there are many on the left who agree with you on many issues and while you will not hear it on Fox there are liberals and progressives who hate the massive giveaway to the insurance industry as much as you do. It is also unacceptable to be forced to buy expensive insurance from the same parasites who have destroyed the system. The mandate to buy private insurance was originally a Republican idea that has been picked up by their criminal counterparts the Democrats and sold to Americans by Obama as legitimate reform rather than state sponsored redistribution of wealth to politically connected cronies and the corporations that finance their campaigns.
Just a question, how many of you were out there protesting Bush and Cheney and the neocons when they were destroying the constitution and blurring the definition of what it means to be a 'terrorist'? I bet not too many participated in the demonstrations against the illegal wars or for that matter against torture, illegal surveillance and the secret prison gulags. Nope, it took Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and a black man in the White House who is called everything from a Communist to the AntiChrist.
This is your wake up call now, principled civil libertarians have been outraged at how our civil liberties have been destroyed for years and none of you seemed to care when Bush was setting up the police state, or 'free speech' zones, or spying on Americans. Now you are getting what you deserve having thrown in with the violent browshirt scum of the fascist Republican base instead of following Ron Paul and the principled non-violent message.
The next knock at your door may be Homeland Security.
Those are my words of advise to those of you who are able to save yourselves from the eventual plunge into the abyss that you are being dragged into by your worst elements and the cynical, crazed Republicans who are using you all in their desperation to return themselves to control of the spoils system. This thing is not going to end well for most of those people, it is inevitable that there is going to be an incident (y’all are notorious for blowing up government buildings filled with women and children) that will trigger the USA PATRIOT Act (that none of you opposed) to be used against you as domestic terrorists. Heed my words of warning and you can save yourselves from the conflagration of violence that will arrive when the berserkers that you have affiliated yourselves with cross that line. Last week it was bricks and broken windows, cursing and spitting on black people and mob intimidation that to no surprise already has your movement on the FBI and Homeland Security’s radar. And as for the Republicans who are stoking the rage and using your numbers and anger to their advantage just what do you think is going to happen if they are successful in using angry and violent mobs to return to power? Given your ignorance of history considering that your tea parties are actually in a true historical context supporting the rule of the British monarchy I would doubt that many of you have heard of the Night of the Long Knives.
Just my two cents
My gosh... That's just what I said elsewhere (but not as floridly). Can't wait to re-post this (after dinner, later tonight) at another venue. Maybe it's time to draw another picture -- they are exercises in pointillism at this point -- going back to Nixon and Reagan and the creation of emergency management plans and the choice of staffers that would insure the maintenance of statist control so as to prevent any interference by the people -- with racism the lever -- with their wars of colonialism, their absolute control, etc. Those plans were carried forth to a new level by the White House staffer who became Congressman who became SecDef who became VEEP and his trusty sidekick, the BigPharma exec turned SecDef, both of whom were involved in the cover-up of the death of the fellow involved with the people who made that funky bread in France. There's a book about that out now by Albarelli that is climbing the charts. This mentality also was present underneath Iran-Contra and 9/11 and is alive today, but then you already know that. It's the others that need to be educated and informed.
Stick a fork in the teabaggers because they are DONE. Not only did the Repiglicans get their asses kicked on the bogus health care reform bill but their ranks have been not only likely infiltrated by COINTELPRO style operatives but the violent freaks are starting to run amok.
This is where I had a lot of very serious ideological differences with my former cohorts on the left, I always understood that a large part of these teabaggers were easily duped into joining up in the General Bethlehem Beck army of nine (or whatever the fuck it was called in THe Postman) out of a total inability of the dipsticks who were so interested in making gay fucking marriage and all of the other social nonsense into rallying issues of the time to actually reach out to the ones who could be saved.
Now I predict the ones who can be saved will very quickly become very uncomfortable with being affiliated with a gang of Palin and Cheney neocon Droogs who are getting more violent by the day.
So these are the folks to peel off, they not be very intellectual or otherwise sophisticated but they have just been running with a really bad crowd.
Of course the liberals won't go after these people to sway them into acting against the entire rotten fucking system, they are too busy as the great Joe Bageant said in his recent classic piece "From Wall Street to Skank Street" - "A note to the middle class "Marxist scholars" who spend their time finger fucking themselves over theory: Yes, I've oversimplified here. However, I am not writing a thesis, or holding forth at Starbuck's. I'm just talking to fellow Americans as citizens and friends. You know, those people who work for a living because they do not have a trust fund from grandpa."
There is a lot of common ground, the real challenge is in doing what is possible to reduce the number of the on-call neoNazi thugs and sometimes you just have to hold your nose and reach out to people who you may not be in ideological lockstep with.
Just my two cents
To take that last paragraph a little further, you have to reach out and re-find whatever common ground might exist in a new system, a new future, a new method, by re-framing the questions and using superbly good facilitation techniques, conversational techniques, and more to help. This is why I am attempting to see and understand the concept of building resiliency, and why I continue to apply the lessons of Eric Booth's outstanding book "The Everyday Work of Art". One exemplar of that is being finished in the next two days: Howard Gardner's "Five Minds for the Future", in which he talks of the need for disciplined thinking, respectful thinking, the ability to synthesize lessons from different worlds and fields, the fostering and maintenance of creativity, and ethics (something which we've been sorely missing lately). He speaks of the lessons of an Italian town in its renaissance post-WWII; it is Reggio Emilia and has associated with it a novel approach to education, especially pre-school education. Our task may be limited to insuring the survival of seed-pods of high-quality human methods. He is also involved with a world-class psychologist, the author of the "flow" theory, in deciphering what "good works" means, how to define it, how to build it, etc. My own personal sense is that the current socio-political system is not capable of raising those kinds of crops, so we need to bury the seed-pods for a time that is ten years away, or longer. We have a lot of people pounding the drums for tension, civil unrest, and war; not much can grow and thrive in those conditions.
There was a comment on this by "Montana" that I inadvertently deleted that was critiquing the post.
Sorry, didn't mean to censor you, it was just an honest mistake so feel free to resubmit.
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