
May 11, 2010

Crack Ho Economics

The sweet spike of the latest fix in the form of the trillion dollar Euro bailout has sent the rigged markets to the moon Alice with Monday's 404 + point jump on the DJIA (Dick Jammed In Ass) although there are already indications that the buzz will be short-lived. The lies, propaganda and shilling to inflate this bailout bubble are losing their effectiveness as is evident by the news this morning that the optimism opium is already starting to wear off. That is, unless your name happens to be JP Morgan Chase or Goldman Sachs whose insiders in the Obama administration continue to ensure that the big wheel of the casino stays rigged and despite the mockery of the show inquisitions going on in Congress that the big kahunas on Wall Street will not only survive the economic crash but will come out bigger and more consolidated than ever. The looting spree goes on despite the fallacious jobs reports that show that the green shoots are turning into the proverbial beanstalks that can be scaled upwards into the clouds to realize the American Dream and the God kissed consumerism that is the crack cocaine to the average shmuck.

The Greek unrest that has been played down by the corporate American media intent on their fixation with who Tiger Woods is poking his weenie into this week or the latest bumbling idiot terror plot that fails miserably is going to spread. There is no bailout that is possible that is going to fix anything as long as the underlying problems do not get addressed, that is of course the financial weapons of mass destruction that are the derivatives. The global financial system has been completely destroyed out of nothing more complcated than good old greed and fraud, it's just the insanely complicated credit default swaps, synthetic credit default swaps, structured investment vehicles and the rest of the basket of trickery that the snake oil peddlers have constructed to sell to the chumps. At the end of the day what is occurring is no different than the typical shell game or similar carnival style rigged games designed to appeal to the rubes, only this time the rubes number in the millions and sooner or later said rubes are going to finally realize that they have been duped by the gangsters that run their governments.

All hell is already breaking loose in Europe, of course Europeans are vastly more sophisticated than their American counterparts who are largely content to either take the latest hit off of the 50 inch Plasma glass dick and stay blissfully asleep or join up with the idiotic Tea Parties that are solely a construct of the same American looter capitalists (think Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich and the Kochs) and take to the streets enmasse - sooner or later this will evolve into Meskin' bashing pogroms which is exactly what will trigger the police state measures to prevent any sort of real revolt. Americans live in a fairy tale world built upon comic book history and the buffoons of the Tea Party exemplify us in all of our selfish and willfully ignorant glory, in a true historical context the morons are out there raising cain in support of the British monarchy but any sort an attempt to reason with the dolts is as worthless as casting pearls before swine, but more on that later.

Anyway, the 1000 point plunge in the DJIA last Thursday that was blamed on a "fat finger" is just another example of the ability of the American masses of asses to gobble down the media produced bullshit biscuits and then beg for more. The Plunge Protection Team saved the day last week preventing a serious market correction and the Eurozone bailout package was hastily arranged over the weekend just in time for Monday's opening of the Ponzi markets. Today it is already waning, there is no amount of money that can fix this fiasco. Europe is going to erupt into open revolt soon enough, America won't but one sure bet in this era of irresponsible gambling is that there will be a false flag terror event that works that can be blamed on some swarthy Arab and that will provide cover for the looters, like when the phony terrorists blew the roof in Die Hard.

Just my two cents


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