
February 04, 2010

The Secret Government

Here is an excerpt from Bill Moyers' 1987 PBS expose on the Secret Government, this is especially relevant now as the grim reality that the Obama administration is at the complete mercy of the forces within that since the end of WW II have devoured the government of the United States. The whole program is closer to 90 minutes long but it is hard to find and quickly smacked down by the censors, I suspect that one reason is that it exposes Israeli complicity in Iran-Contra and other black ops. I have the whole fucking thing so just trust me on this.

As is now apparent to those who are awake the system is kaput, Obama has caved in to the militarists (as if ANY puppet president doesn't) and the ramping up to WW III is back on again with the fifth columnists, the pocket media and the neocons and their ilk pushing like motherfuckers for a strike on Iran. The only thing thicker than Israeli disinformation these days are al CIAda warnings of upcoming attacks on Der Heimat.

The internet is going to go away soon, or at least it is for those of us who are into any serious challenge of the system, the official chatter of a massive 'terror' attack on cyber networks is just the latest excuse after the child porn thing shot it's proverbial wad.

So do your best to get stuff like this video out to as many as possible while it is still possible.


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